Friday, October 05, 2007

Forget about the grass on the other side

during dinner with my best friend, we were lamenting about our lives. She's in her current job for about half a yr and it requires her to travel nearly half the time. Incidentally, she had just gotten married earlier this year, a couple of months before she got offered this job. I was surprised at her remark that if she had known earlier that she would be travelling so much in this new job, she wouldn't have gotten married so early...

I felt surprised because if I were engaged to be married in less than a year and was offered such job, I would probably turn down the job for the sake of staying in Singapore and setting up home with my new hubby. She replied to say well, maybe it is because the reality is that she IS married now, therefore the grass on the other side of the fence seems greener. If she were really single, she'd probably feel lonely and chose to marry instead...

When we're single, we wanna be in a relationship. When we're in a relationship, we ogle at another person's partner. When we can't find jobs, we envy those with a stable job. When we're working, we want a long holiday.

So true, we never learn to treasure something until we have lost it - be it a relationship, freedom, trust or an opportunity. Never crossed our minds that this might be the last day we see our loved one, it could be the last goodbye, the last kiss or even the last embrace. But no... when we have it within reach everyday, we never really appreciate its presence, as if it's something we can function without, not unlike air, we never notice it, until we are suffocating or drowning, then we realise how tragically fragile our lives are, ceasing so easily at the lack of a simple invisible substance.

KT is away for 2 nights, I miss his voice...

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